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Houdini: R&D, simulation, look dev, HDA tools
I had the pleasure of working with Scholar on AMD: Together We Advance promoting the launch of AMD's new Ryzen 7 mobile processors.
My focus on this project was focused on Houdini R&D and production.
With direction from Director Chris Finn I was responsible for simulation R&D, look dev, and behavior exploration.
Once a look and behavior was established I consolidated each simulation type to their own HDAs with artist friendly controls and worked with artists on the team to incorporate these tools in each shot. Encapsulating the simulations within HDAs provided a simple method of adding and deploying behavior and controls to all shots throughout production.
For the rendering phases of the project I worked to create a simplified method of converting and versioning our Houdini simulations to Redshift proxies to be imported and rendered inside of Maya.
Scholar: AMD Project Page Link
Houdini simulation R&D, look dev, and behavior exploration
HDA tool creation
VEX, & Python coding
Automated cache conversion to Redshift proxies
Early Look Exploration And R&D
Early in the project a lot of time was spent exploring different looks and behaviors of the simulation. A lot of it looked great but ultimately was not chosen as it really didn't fit with the feeling they wanted to convey. However, for most of that exploration part some part of each found its way into what was ultimately setup and delivered.
Multiple Layered Particle Sims
Particle Velocity Control
Emissive Material Tests
Particle Direction Controls
Particle Density, Trail Length, & Cluster Density Tests
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